Light Language Grids

Light Language originates from an ancient healing tradition known as Curanderos in Mexico, practiced by healers and shamans. This wisdom has been passed down through 24 generations, from the era of the Maya and Aztecs, from one shaman to the next.


Light Language Grids combine geometric shapes and colors that aim to shift and transform energy within a person's consciousness. Several types of grids serve different purposes.

?How does Light Language work

The Light Language grid serves as a vibrational garment, imbued with unique frequencies that harmonize with your aura. When integrated, it aligns you with elevated vibrations, offering a mystical pathway to transition between energetic states.

Each geometric shape selected for your grid embodies pristine Light vibrations, with distinct properties that influence energy flow. Combining these shapes in a unified structure known as a "Grid" in Light Language, creates a powerful energetic wave. Upon activation within your aura, this grid collaborates with all levels of consciousness—conscious, subconscious, and unconscious—to facilitate the desired transformation.

These grids shape the flow of our energy, refining how we present ourselves to the world. Consider the energy radiated by your thoughts, beliefs, patterns, words, and actions. What message does it convey to the universe? Do you resonate with 'I am prosperous' or 'I struggle financially'? 'I am attractive' or 'I need to lose weight'? 'I value my strengths and love myself' or 'I am a disappointment and must improve'? These grids assist in shifting your approach, thoughts, and self-beliefs, prompting a reciprocal shift in the energy reflected back to you by the universe. They aid in cultivating a new frequency, aligning you more closely with your authentic essence.

Price list

144 grid


49 grid

180$ hand-painted

Personal grid or Space grid

60$ hand-painted

If, for any reason, you are unable to afford these prices, please still complete the form and contact me.
 We will work together to find the ideal solution to create a customized grid for you.


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